"For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you." A direct quote from Jesus! Luke
One of the biggest mistakes that I see, as a home business marketing specialist and mentor/coach is the failure of new home business owners to create a business plan. Without the proper planning, just as stated in the Biblical reference above, disaster is usually the end result.
The Bible also talks about planning in the book of Habakuk 2 where it states "write the vision down, make it plain on the tablets that those who read may run with it."
Napolean speaks of the importance of planning in Think and Grow Rich, chapter two, where he has the reader create a list of resources needed that will be focused upon through thought, faith and meditation. This is a principle also taught in the Master Key System when Charles Haanel tells us that "thought is the secret to all attainment."
Here are a handful of simple steps that you can use to formulate an effective plan for the building of a "Christian based home business."
First, give everything over to God in prayer and meditation, everyday, before you begin work. You will notice, in doing this, that your day will flow with greater peace and joy than trying to control everything on your own. Both the Master Key System and the Bible teach that we are to "Seek first the Kingdom" before things are added to us so make sure to put the quiet time alone with God as the top priority.
Second, write things down. Ideas, thoughts, suggestions from others, research... whatever! If it either pertains or can have an impact on your home business, make sure that you put it in writing and tape it to the wall where you can see and think on the plan at will.
Third, seek the right help. If you have never started a home based business find someone who has and is willing to help you get things started. Finding the right mentor will not only make the task of starting your home business easier, it will give you someone to bounce ideas off of, share in frustrations (as they will arise) as well as victories and, above all, to increase your knowledge base which will empower you to leverage people into business with you.
For more information on how to create a plan of action for the development of your Christian based home business, visit me online today.
Rex Harris
Skype ID swimwithus
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