Wednesday, December 31, 2008

1000 Dollar / 100 Pound Weight Loss Challenge!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to generate traffic, leads and sales using Ning communities!

Monday, December 29, 2008

New video! How to generate leads, sales and traffic using Ning!

$1000 / 100 Pound Weight Loss Challenge!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Facebook Spam & Photo Bug

Friday, December 26, 2008

Starting a home based business in the struggling economy.

There are many people that believe the dream of starting and prospering with a successful home based business has passed us by. Fortunately, that's not the case!

Industry leaders and business titans are sharing the same sentiment... that the key to prosperity during the economic transition is a home based business!

I believe that you will find the following interview with Mike Dillard and Robert Kiyosaki something of great interest if you are in the early planning, just getting started or even thinking about giving up.

Click Here to listen!

Blog updated! Business is a Verb!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Helpful resources for the building of a new home based business

Have you ever purchased a new bi-cycle unassembled? Imagine the headache it would cause for the mechanically un-inclined were there no directions to follow. They would have no idea as to the tools needed, for starters. To most, it would like like a "mess" in a box.

This is why having a guideline to follow, when you are working to start a home based business, is so important. Most of the things we need or do in life are much easier when we have guidelines to follow.

If your plan includes the use of the Internet to promote your home based business then you will need to know...

*How to advertise on the Internet*How to get listed in the search engines
*How to target the traffic, from the search engines, that you need
*How to either build or buy a website
*Where to buy a domain name and web hosting*How to accept online payments
*How to generate and manage a database

... and more.

It seems simple enough, right? In theory, it's not difficult if you have directions to follow. How hard can it be to build a website? Well, if you don't know how, it can be very difficult.

What about building a mailing list? A mailing list is vital to the success of any Internet based business.

And what does it really take to get the targeted traffic from the search engines? How are you going to tap into that stream of people who are looking for what you are selling?

The questions are best answered by someone who has gone before you, with success. Finding a business coach/mentor is the easiest way to get things up and running correctly.

Major companies use consultants and experts, all of the the time, to guide them through transitions and products... it's part of being in business.

If you are here today and are considering a home based business of your own, I am here to help!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to develop a business plan for your home based business

Failure to plan, in any business, is a recipe for failure. Ask any general before leading troops into battle. Without a tactical plan, you can just about assure the demise of your army. The same things applies to a home based business.

First, determine what it is that you are passionate about. What is it that you could do, everyday, for work, and never get tired of it. It's okay, whatever it is, that's fine. This will drive you and motivate you to work! It could be anything, a hobby, a sport, an activity, ministry, whatever, that's okay! Passion is great fuel!

Second, write down your vision for the future. What is it that you want to accomplish with your business? Maybe you want to put your kids through college, form a charitable organization or spend your days out on the golf course. Determine what you want to BE, and focus with all concentration on that.

Third, do your research. Determine the depth of your target market. You can do this online by visiting SEO Tools. Use the keyword selector tool to type in the name of your product, idea, service or concept to determine how many people are looking for what you have to offer on a daily basis.

Fourth, acquire the knowledge you need. If you are a self starter and want to do the building yourself, you will need to know how to build. Learning to do the work, especially online, is not only rewarding, but gives you an advantage over your competition, regardless of the business you chose to build.

Fifth, find an Internet marketing mentor. Learn from those who have gone before you. Most, if they are worth their salt, will be happy to assist you and guide you in the right direction. Many offer live training that will help you learn much faster than trying to learn through a book.

For more information on how you can build your home based business, visit Rex Harris online. God Bless!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to implement video marketing strategies through websites and blogs by Rex Harris

Video marketing is becoming increasingly popular online.  With the availability of video sharing sites like YouTube, Revver, MetaCafe, TubeMogul and more, anyone can create and share video with the right tools.

That being said, while I applaud anyone making the effort to use these resources, there is a right way and a wrong way to do things.

Content is king these days and the better the content in your video and descriptions (especially on YouTube) the better, and more numerous, will be your listing on the major search engines.  YouTube is a quick ticket to the front pages of the search engines, but you have to create your channels and video pages correctly.

One common mistake that people are making with video marketing is trying to hard to advertise and sell.  You will do much better sharing quality content that is of actual benefit to the viewer versus the "run of the mill" advertising that is considered spam on most sites.

A great camera to get started with can be found on the FlipVideo website.  These little pocket sized cameras create great video, up to an hours worth... and they go anywhere!  Powered by two double A batteries, if you run out of juice in the field, it's a simple fix.

I also recommed the use of Windows Movie Maker (available in service pack 3 for XP).  This is a great way to take common video and give it some flare!  The video included in this blog was created using a combination of photo's, text, video footage using my Flip camera and Windows Movie Maker.

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If you would like to learn more about video marketing strategies for the Intenet, feel free to contact me using Skype ID swimwithus or visit my website at

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to start a Christian based home business using the Internet by Rex Harris

"For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you."  A direct quote from Jesus!  Luke 14:28 & 29 - NLT

One of the biggest mistakes that I see, as a home business marketing specialist and mentor/coach is the failure of new home business owners to create a business plan.  Without the proper planning, just as stated in the Biblical reference above, disaster is usually the end result.

The Bible also talks about planning in the book of Habakuk 2 where it states "write the vision down, make it plain on the tablets that those who read may run with it."

Napolean speaks of the importance of planning in Think and Grow Rich, chapter two, where he has the reader create a list of resources needed that will be focused upon through thought, faith and meditation.  This is a principle also taught in the Master Key System when Charles Haanel tells us that "thought is the secret to all attainment."

Here are a handful of simple steps that you can use to formulate an effective plan for the building of a "Christian based home business."

First, give everything over to God in prayer and meditation, everyday, before you begin work.  You will notice, in doing this, that your day will flow with greater peace and joy than trying to control everything on your own.  Both the Master Key System and the Bible teach that we are to "Seek first the Kingdom" before things are added to us so make sure to put the quiet time alone with God as the top priority.

Second, write things down.  Ideas, thoughts, suggestions from others, research... whatever! If it either pertains or can have an impact on your home business, make sure that you put it in writing and tape it to the wall where you can see and think on the plan at will.

Third, seek the right help.  If you have never started a home based business find someone who has and is willing to help you get things started.  Finding the right mentor will not only make the task of starting your home business easier, it will give you someone to bounce ideas off of, share in frustrations (as they will arise) as well as victories and, above all, to increase your knowledge base which will empower you to leverage people into business with you.

For more information on how to create a plan of action for the development of your Christian based home business, visit me online today.

Rex Harris

Skype ID swimwithus